
Welcome to Sweden Innovation Days, Day Two!

Mats Persson, Swedish Minister for Education

14:05 - 14:20

Creating a Global Leading AI-platform

The Swedish Government has recently formed an AI Commission, with representatives from academia, the public sector and the private sector. The main focus of the AI Commission is to enable competitive AI initiatives, within both private and public sector. An important ingredient is how higher education can pave the path to meet tomorrow's needs in AI and how Sweden can attract venture capital and facilitate innovation for strengthened competitiveness in AI.

14:20 - 14:35

6G – Enabling a Resilient Cyber-Physical Continuum

Over the coming years societies and businesses will go through major transformations such as electrification, green revolution, and efficiency through automation. High performance 5G networks in an open architecture with open interfaces and open APIs are the foundation for digitalization and change. While 5G continues to evolve we should stretch this further with 6G. Our vision for 6G is built on the desire to create a seamless reality where the digital and physical worlds as we know them today have merged. 6G will make it possible to move freely in the cyber-physical continuum, between the connected physical world of senses, actions and experiences, and its programmable digital representation.

14:35 - 14:50

Tools for Acceleration and Impact – Why XR can Foster Resilience and Drive Change

How can XR be used to nurture essential skills such as self-awareness, critical thinking, and compassion? And, how is being XR used by the industry to drive innovation and sustainable practices? This session explores the intersection of Extended Reality (XR/VR/AR) technologies with behavioural change, empathy enhancement, and societal sustainability. With a focus on real-world applications, it explores the ways XR can address challenges and opportunities, drawing on insights from research in the field.

14:50 - 15:00

The Search for South Korea’s Sustainable Steady State

- A Scenario of a Possible Future

15:00 - 15:10

Swedish Quantum Technologies

Discover why the USA has chosen Sweden, among 12 nations, for a strategic quantum technology partnership and delve into some of Sweden's quantum applications in health, energy, and security. This talk is a glimpse into Sweden's ambitious journey at the cutting edge of quantum innovation.

15:10 - 15:30

Sustainable Investments

Investments in sustainable products and solutions are key to accelerating the green transition. However, how does long-term growth and profitability correlate with sustainability? Here, investors bear responsibility and have to carefully decide on their investments. The same is valid for innovative companies seeking investments as the relationship between investors and innovators is essential for sustainable growth. In this session we discuss how investors and innovators can push the agenda forward – together.

15:30 - 15:40

Embracing Challenges to Drive Adaptive Capacity and Innovation

- Foresight from an International Perspective
We are and will continue to face many challenges going forward -- from the pandemic, to covid, inflation, Ukraine, technological shifts, geopolitical tension, demographic shifts. We need to think of these tests as ways to strengthen our resilience and capability to take on big things. This will be a test to democracies which will have to prove that they are capable of acting decisively and over the longer term, while staying true to their values and principles. Being able to take on challenges is a muscle that needs training, which we need to do consciously, as we learn from one challenge to another. Each crisis is thus an opportunity for this sort of capacity-building, also an opportunity for innovators to create new solutions and transform the status quo, shedding old models, which we should harness best we can.

15:40 - 15:55

The Role of Civil Society for Citizen Engagement Contribution to System Innovation

Understanding the correlation between mental health and the role of the built environment is becoming increasingly important to improve wellbeing, especially for children. Development policy to prevent inequality is another tool. Implementation of innovation in society often requires inspirators and motivators to drive necessary change – often represented by the civil society. What needs to be in place for system innovation in this field? How can we boost impact and necessary innovation.

15:55 - 16:15

Sweden's Innovation Investment for the 2030s

The Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova stand behind the initiative of Impact Innovation. It is the next generation's strategic innovation program and an actor-driven and long term collection of forces aimed at contributing to global competitiveness through sustainable development transformation. As of February, five programs have been granted funding. In the programs, a wide range of actors from business, public activities, academia and civil society will collaborate.
Water for Vital Environments – Wave - Magnus Arnell
Metals & Minerals - Lawrence Hooey
SustainGov - Mariell Juhlin
Net Zero Industry - Mats Lundin
Shift2Access - John Hultén
Jenny Elfsberg, Vinnova


The US Moonshot Approach as a Driver for Innovation

- With Examples in Cancer and Space Exploration
Foresight from an International Perspective


The Chase for Unique Data is the New Gold Rush

Foresight from an International Perspective