Ebba Busch is the Swedish Minister for Energy, Business and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister. Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. The Ministry of Climate and Enterprise is responsible for matters relating to the climate, the environment, energy, enterprise, innovation as well as radiation safety and outdoor life. The Ministry is also working to ensure the transition to a circular economy.
(Photo credit: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet)
Professor of Computer Science at Linköping University, where he leads the Reasoning and Learning lab. His research focus is artificial intelligence especially Trustworthy AI and the intersection between machine reasoning and machine learning. Director of the Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (WASP-ED), Director of the Graduate School of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), Coordinator of the TAILOR ICT-48 network developing the scientific foundations of Trustworthy AI, and President of the Swedish AI Society. He is also very active in education activities both at the university level and in promoting AI, computer science and computational thinking in primary, secondary and professional education. Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and member of the National Swedish AI Commission.
Johan Kuylenstierna is the Director General at Formas. He has previously worked as a Senior advisor on sustainability to the President and guest professor at Stockholm University, been Chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council (Klimatpolitiska Rådet) and the owner of Modulator AB. Johan has also been a Board Member of numerous organisations including Gothenburg University, Sveaskog AB, WWF Sweden, Mistra, Axfoundation, Ecogain and Urban Water. Additionally his extensive experience also includes being on Advisory committee member IDDRI, a moderator and speaker (climate, water and sustainability) and the Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute. Johan has also held positions at United Nations (UNDESA, WMO and FAO), been a Project Director at Stockholm International Water Institute, senior consultant, university teacher and researcher (climatology, polar regions) as well as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Royal Swedish Agricultural Academy.
Robert Andrén is the Director General for the Swedish Energy Agency, with responsibility for national energy policies, including international energy relations and European energy policy issues. He was also until recently vice-chair of the Mission Innovation (MI) initiated as part of the Paris Agreement. He also serves at the Advisory Council of the Stockholm County Administrative Board. Robert has been working within the Government Offices of Sweden for more than 20 years as Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Rural Affairs and of Agriculture between 2007 and 2013. Since 2015 he was Deputy Director General for Energy at the Ministry of Environment and Energy. Robert was appointed Deputy Governor in the County of Värmland 2013–2015. From 2003 to 2007, he led the Department for the Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives and the Enforcement of the Environmental Code at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. He has been the Swedish representative to the Governing Board of IEA between 2016-2018 and has also previously served as a senior adviser to the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA). He has a M.Sc. in Biology and a Ph.D. in Population Genetics.
Darja Isaksson is Director General of Vinnova, Sweden’s national innovation agency, and serves as a member of the Swedish government’s National Digitalization Council. As the founder of two agencies, she has worked in business and product development for clients such as Sony Ericsson, Ikea and Husqvarna. She has served as adviser to the Prime Minister’s Innovation Council, been recognised as one of Sweden’s most powerful opinion-makers by the financial magazine Veckans Affarer and was named one of the world’s 100 most influential people in digital government by the website Apolitical.
The strategic area, Future Innovations systematically explores methodologies, mindsets, tools, and other means to better understand possible futures, and make strategic decisions today based on what path leads to the desired future. Foresight, experimentation, dialogue, collaborations, facts, and evidence together with an explorative mindset are all fundamental ingredients. As the strategic lead, Joakim is responsible for organising the team operatively and driving the agenda according to Vinnova’s strategy. He has a background in computer science and before joining Vinnova was head of innovation at a large data-intense company, spurring the innovation spirit in his colleagues while establishing partnerships with startups in a true open innovation manner.
Regina Summer has more than 20 years of experience from working in the Swedish innovation system from both an academic, a business and a public agency perspective. Her previous position was Head of Unit Green Growth and Innovation at the Swedish Agency for Regional and Economic Growth. Today she is the Director of Strategic Partnerships at SISP – Swedish Incubators and Science Parks. Prior to this she was the Chief Strategy Officer International Collaboration at Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency. She is also responsible for Sweden Innovation Days and was the coordinator for Vinnovas participation at the world exhibition, EXPO2020, COP26 and COP27.