How can a small country like Sweden achieve so much when it comes to innovation? Why do international companies seek collaborations and want to establish themselves in Sweden? The Swedish Energy Agency’s Kajsa Li Paludan will be guiding participants on Day 2 of Sweden Innovation Days through these questions in her role as co-moderator.
Joining the event for the first time this year, Kajsa works daily coordinating international research and innovation collaborations. She has also worked with climate challenges and the transition to sustainable societies since 2008. She sat down with us to share her knowledge and explore what she thinks about the event’s key themes and her role as a moderator.
Day 2 has the theme Enabling Innovation – The Swedish way. What does this mean to you?
In Sweden, we are good at adopting new innovations and developing our society. I think many of us have relatives who 100 years ago worked for big companies and industries, in hydro power in the north or on the railway for example. Those were highly innovative then, and still exist today. But they have continued to develop and improve over time. Historically, in Sweden we do not sit and wait for someone else to take care of our problems for us. We start, experiment, and learn while building, developing, and most of all collaborating. That’s an enormous social power when you think about it.
Day 2 will include many sessions with concrete examples of just that – innovative ideas and projects that are already contributing to a better future. It feels exciting and motivating to be part of celebrating this and highlighting companies, people, and perspectives that make a real difference.
What is important to you in your role as co-moderator? And why did you want to be a moderator for Sweden Innovation Days?
Moderating is for me about helping facilitate the exchange of ideas. When we are curious about each other and share our knowledge and passion, we often also motivate others to do the same. It becomes a chain reaction that fosters questions, reflections and creates room for new perspectives. This is where innovation begins. If you do your job well as a moderator, it becomes very rewarding for everyone involved.
The Swedish Energy Agency is Sweden’s largest research financer and expert authority. We have an important role to play when it comes to enabling innovation projects and innovative business models. That’s why it feels fantastic to represent the agency and Sweden as one of the moderators for Sweden Innovation Days.

Finally, what do you hope to come out of Sweden Innovation Days 2023?
I hope that all participants of Sweden Innovation Days 2023 will take away a lot of inspiration and knowledge and that the days will result in many new business, innovation, and research partnerships.
It’s amazing that we live in a time where we dare to invest in innovative and sometimes unconventional ideas. Hopefully, some of those who listen in throughout the event will seek support from Sweden’s research and innovation financiers. I hope they find the support they need to create new and improved solutions that contribute to the transition to a sustainable energy system and society.
You’ll find Kajsa moderating Day 2 of Sweden Innovation Days as well as on the Mainstage during Day 1 at 16:20 for The future of energy – Securing the supply. Learn more about her and this session here.